Tag: USA

Exploring Downtown Boston

Boston is a great location for a city trip, we spend a few days here in the summer of 2022 and in this post I tell you about some of the hotspots we visited. It was our first big trip outside of Europe with our 1 year old son and after the pandemic, but we really enjoyed this vibrant city!

Guideline: Washington d.c. in 5 steps

The capital of the big US of A has a lot of impressive sights to see. Everyone knows the White House and Capitol, but what else is there to see? Read on for more!


Washington is doable on foot. Walk through the different memorials remembering the fallen heroes during several big wars in the past. Visit museums for free while walking towards the Capitol. View the White House. Go to the Zoo. Visit the Pentagon sight or enjoy an American sports game.  Here is a top 5 of must do’s!

Things to Do Outside of Las Vegas: Nevada’s Best Attractions

Las Vegas, namely the Vegas strip, is the most popular attraction in the State of Nevada. However, the state offers a number of other attractions beyond the general entertainment and gambling in Vegas. Outside of the city, many relaxing sites and interesting attractions are available for families, couples and individuals. The state features a number of natural sites such as lakes, hot springs and mountains. In addition, small towns and cities feature interesting attractions not found in Las Vegas.

Picture from https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/6/15731622/nevada-medicaid-for-all

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