When most people think of RVing, they think about taking a trip around the US. Maybe seeing a couple of national parks or just going up to a lake for the weekend. But there are destinations all over the world that make for an incredible RV trip that we often don’t think about. Whether it’s Europe, Africa, or Australia, every continent has a route that is sure to change your life. Dreaming of seeing the world? Today we have some incredible trips for you and your RV regardless of the continent you choose.
Tag: north america

Chichen Itza in Mexico is one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. In 2015 I got the chance to visit this amazing sight. Chichen Itza was one of the most important cities of the Maya’s civilization. The sight is beautiful, with the famous ‘el Castillo’ dominating in the centre. In this blog I will take you along how I experienced the whole day trip.
In 2015 Uncensored Travel backpacked hroughout Central America. The first country to start this journey was Panama, landing in the capital: Panama City. In this blog I will write you my experiences seeing this city in two days.

The island of Cozumel is located in the Caribbean Sea, opposite of the famous tourist place Playa del Carmen. The island is a tourist hotspot. It offers various activities like snorkeling and scuba diving but it also offers beautiful white sanded beaches with water as clear as European tap water.

Hola Travelers,
Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The country has everything anyone ever dreamed about. No wonder the slogan of the country is Pura Vida, meaning no matter what your current situation is, life for someone else can always be less fortunate than your own. Pure Life if you translate it literally. Great way to think about life isn’t it? In this blog I will show you that the environment the Costa Ricans live in helps enjoying life more! These are some of the top places to visit when in Costa Rica. I personally picked out 4 for you guys to get inspired!
1. Puerto Jimenez
Puerto Jimenez is a Peninsula in Costa Rica and borders the Corcovado National Park. This place is a must visit. Easiest access is with a boat. There are a few very good hostels where you can stay. Make sure you are prepared for the humidity, it is in the middle of the jungle after all!
It has already been a year since I backpacked through Central America, and I still get goosebumps when I watch back the movies we made! Check em out!
Part one:
Part two: